I enjoy vodka cranberry in a tall glass. But when sipping a glass of such over the weekend, I got to thinking about what percentage of all the folks who I see ordering a vodka cranberry at the bars would ever actually just drain a glass of cranberry juice (without vodka in it) on any given day?
I feel like cranberry juice is really just some sort of mule, used to port alcohol in our bodies. I can’t stand the abuse.
I feel the same way about ice when it comes to Baileys. Frozen water: chill my drink and get out of the way!
I would enjoy the cranberry juice without the vodka. Guess my donkey is different from yours.
This morning I enjoyed a nice tall glass of ice cold cranberry juice and it was delicious. It really hit the spot after all that hard shoveling I did. Although, I’ll be honest, now that I have tasted vodka cranberry sometimes I feel like I can taste the vodka even when there isn’t any in my cranberry juice.
I actually like cranberry juice plain myself, but I don’t think it is nearly as popular outside of bars as it is inside of bars. Perhaps this observation is false.