Acme Oats for Wile E Coyote

Acme quick oats

Over breakfast this morning – oatmeal with maple syrup and skim milk – I pondered the possible uses that Wile E. Coyote might have for such a product from Acme. The best I could come up with was some sort of glue to spread on the road to catch the Roadrunner. But I hadn’t even made it through one cup of coffee.

Surely, there has to be a better usage. What can you come up with?


  1. Maybe he could eat it and become quicker. Like how spinach makes Popeye strong, quick oats makes Wile E faster.

  2. @ bridget I don’t know…all that fiber might actually slow him down as he would need to make regular bathroom stops.

    Perhaps he could let it solidify, leave it by the road side, and when the Roadrunner tries to peck at it, and subsequently breaks his beak, Wile E could pounce?

  3. Perhaps if Wile E Coyote were to just spread it on the road uncooked, Roadrunner would eat it and get super full, then drink water and have serious stomach distress and lose his speed.

  4. Going off Tim’s idea, he could also cook the oats and spread them on the road. Sticky oatmeal would surely slow down the roadrunner.

    Also, in an unrelated note, hot oatmeal in the deserts where Wile E. and the Roadrunner always meet doesn’t sound very satisfying to eat.

  5. @ Conall,

    The desert gets very cold at night and remains so until it is warmed by the hot sun the following morning. I bet a warm bowl of oatmeal first thing in the morning would be very welcome indeed!

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