It struck me recently that a good portion of the superheroes out there have discovered their powers quite by accident, stumbling upon them rather carelessly as part of everyday live activities.
To avoid the inconvenience of accidentally discharging an unknown superpower at an awkward time, or worse still, possessing a superpower for a longtime without knowing it, I thought it might be best to have a simple checklist which I regularly run though to help reduce the risk of my possessing an unknown superpower.
Naturally, such a checklist could never be exhaustive, but I figure that I can at least check for some of the “big ones,” (i.e. flight, telekinesis, mind-control, mind-reading, teleportation, etc.) to at least cover some of my bases.
Generally, I think I am going to let testing of my the regenerative healing power wait for the natural injuries that comes with daily life.