Umbilically Speaking

Umbilically speaking

I saw this sneaky piece of graffiti at an art colony in Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand. It was roughly sketched and so light that I almost missed its poignancy. It speaks to me of our hyper-electrical lives. Without electricity where would we be? In some sort of no-blackberry-laptop-iPod-hair-straightener-electric-toothbrush-hell I presume, like babies, not able to do anything. Well, maybe it would be quieter …


  1. Can we confirm whether the umbilical cords were there before the graffiti, or place there as part of the art installation?

    I love when artists see things in a unique way and then share that vision with the world!

  2. A chicken before the egg scenario has been placed before us… I’m thinking that the chords came first and the drawing after, but we’ll never know for sure.

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