How Well Done is This Pun?

When a sign like this makes you smile, aren’t you curious to go inside and meet the person who decided it would be a good idea to put it up?

I always like to trace back and wonder how a correlation like this might have originated. In this case, it’s easy to imagine that this bibliophile was enjoying steak when he/she had the eureka moment. Even though the quip only got a weak grin of approval from friends and family, it still made it to the shop front and has been inviting customers in ever since.

Moral of the story (if I may forcefully deduce one here): Don’t let anyone judge your sense of humor. There’ll always be someone dumb enough to think you’re very clever.


  1. I love bookstores. And I love how book lovers are drawn to a bookshop like the one in the photo — books everywhere, complete chaos and little rhyme or reason to how the books are displayed. It’s the quintessential opposite of an Apple Store.

  2. Oh and a good bookstore owner is irreplaceable!

    Someone who knows their stacks in and out, can make sense of the chaos, and can recommend great books with only the slimmest hint of a direction!

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