A Fortune in My Future

Three unopened fortune cookies
Three fortunes lay before me. How was I to choose?

In the process of selection, did I hold my fate in my own hands? Or was the cookie I ultimately selected calling to me?

I closed my eyes, picked one out, and broke it open.

Whatever forces of luck, fate or randomness lay behind my choice, I was happy with my predicted future.*

The fortune revealed
*Note: I was not so thrilled with the cookie, which tasted even more like Styrofoam than your typical fortune cookie.


  1. I’ve always wondered about the ink used and cleanliness of the paper inserted into fortune cookies. Are they really as clean and germ-free as they should be?

  2. Is it such a good fortune if they mean ‘thrilling’ in the sense that a scary, adrenaline causing movie is a ‘thriller’? Perhaps you should be looking over your shoulder for a few weeks.

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