Or so I’ve been told by this bottle of beer in the state of Tamil Nadu in south India.
I hope they did not list these in order of importance, because I think ruining my life and my family is a bit more of a compelling reason not to drink than ruining my country.
Still, I tend to think that while it might ruin some countries, families and lives, we should not get too carried away with over generalizations printed on EVERY bottle.
I’ll be certain to never drink that particular beer then!
@ fortkboy1965
I thought it was a marketing ploy meant to say that since liquor does all that damage, maybe you should stick to beer!
I wonder if it is an extreme version of the Surgeon General warning alcohol and cigarettes have in the United States?
@ Conall
That is an interesting take on the label (he types while drinking some Four Roses blended whiskey).
Well, I drank the beer.
No news yet about my country, family or life being ruined yet, but the bottle didn’t give any sort of time line, so I will have to keep you posted.
I am a little concerned about the lack of specificity regarding the alcohol content of the beer. ‘Above 6%’ leaves a lot of room for variance in the alcohol content of the beer. 6.2% is over 6%, but so is 40%.
Perhaps that’s the reasoning behind the warning. You never know if you’re getting a 6.2% or 40% alcohol by volume. I can see how a six pack of 40% alcohol beer could put the hurt on one’s country, family or life.
i like the dire threats regarding country, family and life, and yet the beer appears to be locally produced and sales limited to that locality. With such negative effects, I would have expected this to be more of an export.
@ mark: But notice the label doesn’t indicate who’s country would be destroyed. Maybe drinking beer in India has cataclysmic effect upon another nation. You know…. like the Butterfly Effect.