The Power of a Good Tagline

White work van

To help you get your work-week off to a productive start, we’ve got a business-related post for you today.

Whilst crawling south along the A34 over the weekend, heading towards Newbury and stuck in a traffic jam, I noticed the following van in the lane next to me. What immediately caught my attention was the tagline painted on its back doors. And even though I haven’t decided yet whether I like it or not, I have to admit that it’s done what it was supposed to do: catch my attention and make the company name stick in my brain. Heck, I’ve even checked out the company website already. Tagline creators: give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Our business sucks but it's really picking up

(Note: For any of you concerned about the safety of taking photos on the motorway, please know that traffic was at a standstill due to a crash on the opposite side of the motorway.)


  1. Oh and it does remind me of an old line that Electrolux used to use; I recall having come across it in some discussion on international ad campaigns during my MBA. The line is:

    Nothing sucks, like Electrolux.

  2. Hi Shefaly – Exactly! It borders the line of respectability/acceptability. Not that crude really, but something we might be shocked to hear our mothers say. I guess that’s why it sticks in the brain.

  3. Hi QI – Yep, it is really good, isn’t it. I wonder if someone in house came up with it, or if it was dreamt up by a consultant …

  4. If that was a consultants idea, I bet that was a tough one to sell to the client, or really even to bring up as deliverable…

    Consultant: “Here is the tagline you’ve just paid us thousands of pounds to create. Hope you’ve got a sense of humor!”

  5. This just in via from one of our readers via email:

    In response to your blog today, I thought I would share this link:

    I saw the truck in Milwaukee a few years ago, and remember their slogan well: “The Potentate of Totin’ Freight”, as if the name alone was not memorable enough.

  6. @ JP –

    Well, I think you’re the first on chickenmonkeydog to give a shout out to Columbus, so right on there. Go Ohio! Or something like that anyway …

    As for the photo of the couch, you can see it in a larger format on the photos page of this blog.

  7. Talking about impactful taglines, this comes to mind:

    Viagra – the quicker pecker upper

    with obvious reference to Bounty(TM), the brand of strong paper towels.
    Sadly, the marketers of Viagra didn’t quite find that tagline useful enough.

  8. Hi CheekyMonkey –

    Maybe the Viagra people were worried that given that Bounty is for cleaning us household messes, they didn’t want to overly-associate their product with that concept. Could bring about concerning brand-confusion.

  9. The crash was caused by someone else who was taking picures of awesome taglines, I’d bet.

  10. Greetings, I can definitely respect your blog here, however I have a slightly different opinion. At any rate have a good holiday.


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