Planning a Break in the Growing Sense of Doom

The economy is plummeting. Real people, companies and governments are watching their salaries, profits, revenues and available cash get squeezed in ways that we never imagined. Financial forecasts and news reports add further worries to our situation. Comparisons to the disastrous Depression of the 1930s are coming all too frequently.

Frankly, I find it all very stressing. As a husband and ever more so as a father, I am keenly aware of my responsibilities as a provider. Not the sole bread-winner in my house, but certainly my earnings are required to meet our monthly obligations. I know that I can deny myself if times get really tough, but I cannot do that to the children. With the financial stability of the world blowing in the turbulent winds of the modern glocal economy, I struggle to find solace in the immediate business prospects.

And yet, I am in a decent fiscal position (he writes, as he knocks solidly on the wooden table). How do those who feel the presence of pending layoffs over their shoulder manage? Worse still, how do the already let-go cope?

Maybe, just maybe, we can all take a single moment to close our eyes, take a deep breath and ponder this: life is ups and life is downs, life is challenge. Some times the challenges are mild — at other times, they are gargantuan. But, they are only challenges … they can be overcome, somehow. In our own personal moment of silence, perhaps if we ponder this, the pressures of the financial reality might be lessened, if only for the moment.

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